Wednesday, August 22, 2018

On which side of the road should we walk?

Walk on right, Save Life

Everyone seems to be confused about the side on which we should walk on the road side. If there is a side walk, it is okay to walk on any side of the road. In the case, where there is no side walk, it is always safer to walk on the side facing the traffic. If your country follows left hand driving, walk on right hand side and if your country follows right hand driving, then walk on the left hand side.  In case of Nepal, as we have left hand driving, we should always walk on the right side of the road.

Always walk facing the Traffic

When we do so we can see whats approaching towards us, in case of any accidents  or misjudgment by the drivers, you can see it and can jump or walk away to a safer place. If you walk with your back towards the traffic flow, then you cant see the approaching vehicle and you delegate all your safety responsibility to the driver.

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